Code: Select all
qer_editorimage textures/cerulean_alpha13/flame1.tga
qer_trans 0.5
q3map_surfacelight 512
surfaceparm noimpact
surfaceparm nolightmap
surfaceparm nomarks
surfaceparm nonsolid
surfaceparm trans
cull none
animMap 16 textures/cerulean_alpha13/flame1.tga textures/cerulean_alpha13/flame2.tga textures/cerulean_alpha13/flame3.tga textures/cerulean_alpha13/flame4.tga textures/cerulean_alpha13/flame5.tga textures/cerulean_alpha13/flame6.tga textures/cerulean_alpha13/flame7.tga textures/cerulean_alpha13/flame8.tga
rgbGen identity
gives me a nice animated flame if I do a bsp compile, but when I compile the vis and light phases, it stops working and gives me a static picture of a fire. What is going on and how do I fix it?
All images are .tga files with alpha channels.