Minecraft meets UrbanTerror (Pre-alpha)

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Minecraft meets UrbanTerror (Pre-alpha)

Post by groebNERD »


Image Image
Image Image

Hey Guys! :mrgreen:

I know it was a long time ago, when I was last active here at the Custom Map Makers-Community (I think it was at the very beginning).
I just had no Time anymore to be as active in the community as I wanted. Got a lot to do in my real life (Education, Work, and so on)... But now I think my Motivation to create maps is here again...

I love playing Minecraft, and I love playing Urban Terror, so I made a decision - I want to create a UrbanTerror-Minecraft-Map.
[I saw much later, that already somebody had such an Idea and posted already a video on Youtube - DagF, I think it was you... I hope you are not angry, that I'm borrowing your idea :) ]

But making a map manually for Urban Terror which looks similar to minecraft is a huge effort. And if you'd like to create more of them, its nearly impossible.

So I wrote in Java my own Minecraft-UrbanTerror-Map-Generator.
The Generator needs first a heightMap.jpg. This is a greyscale-Image, every Pixel represents one Block. Dark areas are lower, Bright areas are higher.
The Second file (which has to be in the same size) is the textureMap.jpg. The BlockType in the generated Terrain depends on the Color of the Pixel in this image.

With this Generator I'm able to generate really flexible Terrains.

But enough said - Below are some Screenshots of the current progress. Feel free to comment, if you have any questions :)

Improvements in Alpha 2:
- fixed Bug with respawns under the map
- added damage when running against the cactus
- Better visibility of the Subway-Sign
- fixed Bug where you can see through the ground in the sea

Greetings from Austria,
groebNERD aka groebsn

Some older Images of the earlier Development-Process:
Spoiler: show
The HeightMap, which specifies the Height of the Terrain
The HeightMap, which specifies the Height of the Terrain
map.jpg (4.1 KiB) Viewed 27859 times

The TextureMap, which specifies the BlockType
The TextureMap, which specifies the BlockType
tex.jpg (2.94 KiB) Viewed 27859 times

Generated Test-Map with flowers
Generated Test-Map with flowers

Generated Test-Map with flowers, grass and Trees
Generated Test-Map with flowers, grass and Trees

Generated Test-Map in TrisMode... there is still a lot to improve I think
Generated Test-Map in TrisMode... there is still a lot to improve I think
Last edited by groebNERD on Sun Aug 24, 2014 11:49 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Minecraft meets UrbanTerror (Pre-alpha)

Post by Swiiitan »

Now this is really really cool :DD

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Re: Minecraft meets UrbanTerror (Pre-alpha)

Post by johnnyenglish »

Hey groebNERD, welcome back.

I remember the mario cart map, with the turtle.

Feel free to stop by irc and say hello, I'm probably not around but you'll know most people there.

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Re: Minecraft meets UrbanTerror (Pre-alpha)

Post by DagF »


I did try to make a mc map once. I even emailed notch for promotion ( And got it ).
I failed becouse i had not experience with making layouts and i tried to make a urt map with mc blocks in urt. so i really like that this is actually a minecraft map made in urt.

If you need help with some minecraft items just tell me. Would be fun :) I guess it's possible to extract them from the game aswell :)

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Re: Minecraft meets UrbanTerror (Pre-alpha)

Post by groebNERD »


thank you for the positive feedbacks.

DagF wrote:If you need help with some minecraft items just tell me. Would be fun :)

Well,I'm quite a Shader-Noob, so I would need help for creating a Water shader that looks like the minecraft-Water (the still water, not the flowing one) :)

Would be really cool, if you could help me :)


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Re: Minecraft meets UrbanTerror (Pre-alpha)

Post by Marvin »

My issue when playing with the thought of creating Minecraft maps was the fact that maps are limited to 256 destructible items. Let us know how you plan to deal with that.

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Re: Minecraft meets UrbanTerror (Pre-alpha)

Post by groebNERD »

Hi Marvin,

of course you are right, making all blocks destructible like in Minecraft would never be possible.
But the UrbanTerror-Minecraft-Map should not be like minecraft, it just should look like Minecraft. So The blocks will not be destructible.


EDIT: Some new Pics, with improved Tris-Count :)




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Re: Minecraft meets UrbanTerror (Pre-alpha)

Post by Markinho »

You can set up some shortcuts for the flags or hidden paths to blow up and change the layout as the game goes on, it's easy to stay under the limit if they are func groups

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Re: Minecraft meets UrbanTerror (Pre-alpha)

Post by Marvin »

Markinho wrote:You can set up some shortcuts for the flags or hidden paths to blow up and change the layout as the game goes on, it's easy to stay under the limit if they are func groups

I'd like to see that. This gives great possibilities for the map layout. Also, do you have any pointers for me for the file documentations you used? It sounds like for your Java tool you take a heightmap picture as input and it spits out a .map file. Am I correct in that assumption? Where can I learn the underlying mechanics for myself?

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Re: Minecraft meets UrbanTerror (Pre-alpha)

Post by groebNERD »

Hi @ All!

Markinho wrote:You can set up some shortcuts for the flags or hidden paths to blow up and change the layout as the game goes on, it's easy to stay under the limit if they are func groups

Yep, that's a really good Idea and it's already on my ToDo list for next UrT-Minecraft-Maps. This first one will just be a small Minecraft Island with 2 small cottages and bridges across the river.

Marvin wrote:I'd like to see that. This gives great possibilities for the map layout. Also, do you have any pointers for me for the file documentations you used? It sounds like for your Java tool you take a heightmap picture as input and it spits out a .map file. Am I correct in that assumption? Where can I learn the underlying mechanics for myself?

The (not really simple) Documentation I used you can find HERE   .

I'll try to explain: The Brushes in the ".map"-File looks like this:
Spoiler: show

Code: Select all

// brush 21
( 4768 704 720 ) ( 4768 672 720 ) ( 4736 704 720 ) minecraft/sand 0 0 0 0.25 0.25 0 0 0
( 4768 704 720 ) ( 4736 704 720 ) ( 4768 704 704 ) minecraft/sand 0 64 0 0.25 0.25 0 0 0
( 4768 704 720 ) ( 4768 704 704 ) ( 4768 672 720 ) minecraft/sand 0 64 0 0.25 0.25 0 0 0
( 4736 672 688 ) ( 4768 672 688 ) ( 4736 704 688 ) common/caulk 0 0 0 0.25 0.25 0 0 0
( 4736 672 704 ) ( 4736 672 720 ) ( 4768 672 704 ) minecraft/sand 0 64 0 0.25 0.25 0 0 0
( 4704 672 704 ) ( 4704 704 704 ) ( 4704 672 720 ) minecraft/sand 0 64 0 0.25 0.25 0 0 0

In the Braces are three X/Y/Z Coordinates defining the Edges of a Plane. Then the texture and at least some texture settings (shift, stretch, rotation, and so on...).

You are right, my Java-Tool reads a image File (the Height map), and depending to the Greyscale-value it generates brushes like that.

Here is the function that writes such code:
Spoiler: show

Code: Select all

BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file.getAbsoluteFile()));

private static void writeBlockCode(int x1, int y1, int z1, int x2, int y2, int z2, String tex1, String tex2, String tex3, String tex4, String tex5, String tex6) throws IOException
      bw.write("// brush " + brushCount + "\r\n{\r\n");
      bw.write("( " + (x2) + " " + (y2) + " " + (z2 + 16) + " ) ( " + (x2) + " " + (y2 - 32) + " " + (z2 + 16) + " ) ( " + (x2 - 32) + " " + (y2) + " " + (z2 + 16) + " ) " + tex1 + " 0 0 0 0.25 0.25 0 0 0\r\n");
      bw.write("( " + (x2) + " " + (y2) + " " + (z2 + 16) + " ) ( " + (x2 - 32) + " " + (y2) + " " + (z2 + 16) + " ) ( " + (x2) + " " + (y2) + " " + (z2) + " ) " + tex2 + " 0 64 0 0.25 0.25 0 0 0\r\n");
      bw.write("( " + (x2) + " " + (y2) + " " + (z2 + 16) + " ) ( " + (x2) + " " + (y2) + " " + (z2) + " ) ( " + (x2) + " " + (y2 - 32) + " " + (z2 + 16) + " ) " + tex3 + " 0 64 0 0.25 0.25 0 0 0\r\n");
      bw.write("( " + (x2 - 32) + " " + (y2 - 32) + " " + (z2 - 16) + " ) ( " + (x2) + " " + (y2 - 32) + " " + (z2 - 16) + " ) ( " + (x2 - 32) + " " + (y2) + " " + (z2 - 16) + " ) " + tex4 + " 0 0 0 0.25 0.25 0 0 0\r\n");
      bw.write("( " + (x2 - 32) + " " + (y1 - 32) + " " + (z2) + "  ) ( " + (x2 - 32) + " " + (y1 - 32) + " " + (z2 + 16) + " ) ( " + (x2) + " " + (y1 - 32) + " " + (z2) + " ) " + tex5 + " 0 64 0 0.25 0.25 0 0 0\r\n");
      bw.write("( " + (x1 - 32) + " " + (y2 - 32) + " " + (z2) + "  ) ( " + (x1 - 32) + " " + (y2) + " " + (z2) + " ) ( " + (x1 - 32) + " " + (y2 - 32) + " " + (z2 + 16) + " ) " + tex6 + " 0 64 0 0.25 0.25 0 0 0\r\n}\r\n");

By the Way, here are some new Pictures of the Map (The Horizon still needs to be improved) :)
Spoiler: show

EDIT: And a Youtube Video of the Minecraft Map  


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