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ut4_complicated layout (Subject to a name change)

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 10:41 am
by krasus
Hi, I started to make this warehouse/industrial themed map the other day and I got some sort of a layout going but have since had a bit of trouble thinking of where to go from here.
Here's what I have so far:


It's not very "complicated" I know, but hopefully that may change :D

Re: ut4_complicated layout (Subject to a name change)

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 10:48 am
by johnnyenglish
CMM|AuntieJune 11:42:57
New post 'ut4_complicated layout (Subject to a name change)' by krasus! search.php?search_id=unreadposts

JohnnyEnglish 11:47:59

CMM|AuntieJune 11:48:01

JohnnyEnglish 11:48:06

CMM|AuntieJune 11:48:10

JohnnyEnglish 11:48:14

CMM|AuntieJune 11:48:15

Any of these names help? Came from AuntieJune our irc bot.

Re: ut4_complicated layout (Subject to a name change)

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 10:57 am
by krasus
haha nice names, but I wont consider changing the name until first release, thanks for the suggestions anyway :D I do however like the name ut4_algaroth